New Student Enrollment in West Java 2020/2021 : Jagad

 PPDB for SMA/SMK level  about West Java  U

Perhaps you are familiar with the admission of PPDB West Java or new students where at the end of the semester, many students or students need to prepare themselves to face PPDB | during the admission period, new students must, of course, be full of ideas|

Many students feel a dilemma about the school to choose from or if they enter the campus, the problem is not only which campus but also which major to choose| Furthermore, choosing a school will have an impact on the long-term planning of students, especially those who will progress to high school or vocational level|

Most people want to enter an improved school that is dear, whether it is a government or private high school, even many are standing in queues and are willing to be reserved| Even some parents are willing to spend extra money and things that include cheating to get into better schools|

Meanwhile, the West Java PPDB still uses the same system as in previous years, namely the zoning system | from junior high school students who will go to high school or vocational school, elementary school students who will go to junior high school and others still use zoning systems that are currently being implemented online|

New Student Enrollment in West Java 2020/2021

The West Java Provincial Education Office itself has actually missed the implementation of the PPDB for SMA or SMK in the 2020-2021 school year| The registration itself will start from two phases so those of you who will be registering for SMA or SMK, you can register for the first phase from June 8 to 12|

Regarding the second phase, it is from June 25 to July 1, 2020, there is no need to visit the schools concerned as you only  have to access  the West Java PPDB  site  through then you will see the new student admission portal in West Java province|

After accessing the site page listed above, you will be redirected to the homepage. On the ppdb website or the portal’s homepage, you can view information about the admission of new students in the respective years or periods, namely 2020-2021, which provides several alternative selection paths|

To receive update information, you should actually have frequent access to the site’s pages. Don’t let go of important information about the PPDB West Java registration or complete documents  to register at the destination school | especially if the school is really a school then you have been a favorite for a long time|

Especially now that any information can be easily obtained, you only need to rely on smartphones and internet networks. There is no need to go to the destination school to register and even you can get the information through online, especially in the midst of a pandemic like today, registering from home is more advisable|

How to register on PPDB portal

The admission of new students is done online and websites have also been provided for each region including West Java| You can access the admission portal for new students in the schedule as discussed above, there are 2 phases in the following ways:

  1. Access the West Java PPDB website page provided by the government
  2. You can access a smartphone using the browser, but more clearly you can use a computer device
  3. First of all you are asked to create an account on the PPDB portal
  4. After creating an account, log in immediately then log in to the main page, select the district or city you live in or where to register
  5. After clicking the district or city option, whether it is primary school (SD), junior high school (SMP) or senior high school (SMA), you will be redirected to level choice|
  6. After choosing the school level, it’s time to choose the registration path
  7. Generally, there are three common paths that you can choose from on the PPDB portal, namely achievement path, parent or guardian transfer path, and zoning path|
  8. Choose the path you want then register online by inputing the required documents
  9. Later, the school will verify the registration or apply for an account for the file
  10. After that, all you have to do is keep an eye on the results of the selection online.

The most common online application path

The first, like the discussion on where there are many paths when registering online on  the West Java PPDB portal, is | the success path, the path is aimed at aspiring students or students who have success beyond school zoning so their success can be used as a concept of selection|

These achievements may add value, but the success path of the number of students received is only 5% of the total capacity of the school| There is also a zoning path and this path is the most common as it prioritizes the distance to the residence closest to the school|

The number of students who are later accepted through the zoning route is about 90% of the total capacity of the school| The concept of zoning depends on the authority of each local government, while the migration path of the parent parent is intended for students living outside of school zoning|

Similar to achievement pathways where the transfer path of parents or guardians is only 5% of the total capacity of the school| In fact, now the government prioritizes zoning lanes, but for companion zoning lanes, you will continue to compete using report cards|

What if it becomes difficult to register on the PPDB portal?

For those of you who are facing difficulties or  need more detailed information about the West Java PPDB site, don’t worry because online registration should | be assisted by a teacher or a homeroom teacher of the original school so you can ask the homeroom teacher of the previous school for help applying for the next level of education|

However, if you are still having trouble or have more information you want to ask, you can contact the PPDB call center which is open from Monday to Friday during work hours, i.e. 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. You can make a call to the listed number, which is 500250 or send an email.

To send an email for complaints or problems encountered, you  can send a message to Batang You  can also get PPDB West Java information online  through SMS service for XL customers as the latest information is very important, especially after you register.

There are a number of tips you need to consider when registering online, such as always updating the latest information about PPDB at the destination school so that you don’t lose important information. Because each school has different requirements for completeness documents and different zoning systems|

Also check the completeness of the documents and the required requirements, of course you need to consult parents and teachers or homeroom teachers when choosing a school to the next level|  Before registering on the West Java PPDB portal, it is a good idea to choose a school according to the applicable skills and requirements|

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