Online education during covid pandemic : HpSamsung

West Java Education Office   implements online learning amid pandemic


During a pandemic like  today,  the West Java Education Office will  also undertake a lot  of activities so that the learning process goes well. Even  in every field, it also implements a new Yang learning process so that students can be asked to keep accessing the curriculum for graduation and progress.


Some schools, especially vocational schools themselves, implement a face-to-face learning process. However, this applies to some places as well and is especially applicable only to practical subjects. Because in this vocational school, skills are an important thing that students should have.


In the meantime, the practice process is also carried out directly face-to-face. It doesn’t need to be done directly. In addition, West Java education  also provides considerable support to students who are not able to afford it so that they can continue their studies. Such as   providing free equipment  and free data quota  to teachers and students.


But the introduction of this new education has forced many parents to complain. Because they can’t teach their kids for some unknown lessons. Especially students who cannot run this new learning system. The government is also trying to learn directly by implementing several important points.


Online education during covid pandemic


In fact, since 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has actually impacted many sectors. This is also affected, including in the field of education. Students and students who are still in school must feel the impact by going to home school or online education. This program is run in every school.


Like the West Java Education Office, it also implements an online school program for all students in West Java.  This policy is certainly implemented in all educational places in Indonesia, even in the world. Originally, learning was done in a face-to-face manner. But that changed as the coronavirus pandemic spread even further.


The training done at home is carried out to provide a new experience to the students. Nevertheless, even if it is run from far and wide, educators should be able to achieve growth goals and implement graduation rates. However, this new learning method received many negative responses.


Especially from guardian parents. Many of them complained of harassment and  could not participate in the online training activities implemented by the  West Java Education Office and other areas  . Some people do not want this online education to be stopped and come back face to face.


Since it uses the internet, it definitely needs quota data as well. Meanwhile, the government also provides free quota for students and teachers. So that it further reduces the burden during the learning process that takes place during the current pandemic. In West Java itself, it also provides internet quota support for a seamless learning process.


Passed confirmation of taking offline classes


Now that the new normal has been implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic, the  government and the  West Java Education Office have also come up with a new program, which includes  completing  training using face-to-face methods  . But still some rules have been put in place to implement this training process.  So that it can still minimize the number of Covid cases.


Although the location of the school is in the green zone, it is still not directly implemented with face-to-face education. Because there are still some points that must be examined first. If the school meets the criteria, it can implement the program. For parameters such as schools in green zones are mandatory.


JamN . is also preferred for face-to-face activities for students who are  not supported by the internet network or known as spaces. So actually not all learning venues can implement this training system amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Even if it has been included in the area of green zone.


In the meantime, from the West Java Education Office to the SMK level or vocational high school, these face-to-face systems will be implemented to implement lessons that are only practical. Because if you want to get a certificate for your own skills, you need to practice directly.


Even not all teachers are able to participate directly in this training process. There are many points that should also be considered. For example, those who can participate are teachers  under the age of 45, and they have no other diseases that will disrupt  the learning process during this pandemic  .


Vaccines given to West Java educators


The Office of Disdick or West Java Education has proposed that educators be  vaccinated  across West Java  . Of course, the vaccine  will still  be injected in phases. Especially for teaching staff who will do face-to-face learning activities.


Not only this, for the arrangement, it will also be given priority for those teachers who are elderly. The vaccination phases given by the government will also be given as per the schedule. In fact, it is very important for educators to implement vaccination  after  the use of medical personnel.


Of course, this  is implemented so that the learning process can be run properly without being affected by Covid  . For the provision of vaccines for teachers themselves, it has been proposed according to the number of their own staff in West Java. Of course, the sunt is given to  teachers who first perform direct training activities.


Based on the West Java Education Office, not all  of them find themselves participating in offline direct training. Only a few hundred have been adjusted as per applicable rules. In fact, there are still many schools that have not been able to implement this training as they are in places with high Covid case rates.


For the acceptance of the vaccine to work well, everything that will be summarized should also be done first. It is very important to implement it so that maximum can be done while administering the vaccine. Although you have been given this injection yourself, you still have to follow the health protocols.


The Process of Direct Education in West Java


Teaching and learning activities are conducted directly by the  West Java Education Office, itself designed how this plan is.   With regard to this learning activity, it is also done in stages first by paying attention to how the  deployment zone  is  in the area and the efforts and preparedness for prevention.


Although it is a face-to-face learning activity, it also adheres to the principle of supporting the safety of students or teachers. This is an important and key point that should be considered by each party. Every school that will use this system should be prepared for a lot of things.


The superintendent of the disc will later see how the school prepares. Of course, it is accompanied by the village head and the local sub-district head. If there are still many shortcomings, it is necessary to complete it first. However, if the school has completed all the required items, it  can be conveyed directly to the department.


In order to implement self-learning, a blended learning method will be implemented.  Where later students will study directly in the school in turns or shifts.  So that according to the rules a square is divided into two or three parts.  The  West Java Education Office has definitely developed items that can minimise the spread of Covid.

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