Predicting population density growth : WaMod

What is the total population density of West Java Province?

What is the  total population density  of The Province of West Java  year-on-year? According to the correct data, the population of West Java is still the largest in Indonesia. According to the latest Census 2020, it shows a substantial increase of up to 6 million people. More accurately its growth has increased from a population of 43.05 million to a population of 49.94 million.

West Javais one of the provinces that existed during the Dutch colonial period. The province was established with a central government since 1950. It has long been established and has become a city full of extraordinary events, one of which is the lake of fire that enraged the archipelago and even the world at the time.

It is clear that its area is 35,000 km. It is clear that the area can accommodate many people. Under the leadership of Ridwan Kamil, Bandung is believed to be very prosperous so that the development of the society will be balanced with equitable distribution of welfare. The right answer is to formulate many new policies that will benefit the people.

So, what is the total population density of West Java Province? It will not be as over-over-the-top as it is at the center of the government. TKI Jakarta is one of the areas with the largest community density. This happens because the population is increasing with its narrow area.

Distribution of community density in West Java Province

Luacovers nearly 36 thousand square kilometers. Data from West Java province show that it has a population of up to 46 million people. It is spread over 26 districts and cities, 635 sub-districts and 5899 sub-districts. In contrast, the most densely populated population is in the Bogar and Panjar regions.


How much is the distribution of the people of West Java Bogar City? About 4.9 million people. Meanwhile, only 192,903 people live in The City of Banjar. Only 0.25 per cent of it. What about other cities? As before, Debok, Sukhabhoomi, Ungband and others?


for the average population density with a population of almost one million. Banjar, Shreban, Sukhabhoomi and Simahi alone are hundreds of thousands. Looking at this difference, of course, the density distribution is not evenly distributed. Uniquely,  there are more men in almost the entire region in the region. So far there is a paradox in Indonesia.

Generally , the number of men and women is high. We look at the central and eastern parts of Java. They are both definitely more women seen from many places. Even in Indonesia, the number of women is higher than that of men. So what are the factors that caused it to happen?


So far no one knows. Why can there be so many men  about what the population density of West Java province is. Everything goes on without any arrangement natural. So we can see why so many cases of same-sex parties in the Boger area suffer from this one inequality.


For those who don’t know, Boger is actually the central city of homosexuals.  The disease of homosexuals, often at parties in hotels and even rented houses, is a disease that needs to be eradicated to prevent it from spreading more widely in Indonesian society.


Population Jobs in West Java

What is the population density of West Java Province?  Many young people have already found a job, no. Work is an important thing in order to be able to live a life. One of the reasons is the large number of nomads, especially in the larger cities of West Java, which demands to be independent.

For the average percentage of the total population in late 2020. Nearly 11 per cent of the population. A number that does not have chaos around causes many people to be less prosperous. Combined with the long-term pandemic period. Get many large factories out of business or regulate costs.

One of them is the layoff of many potential workers. So there is a lot of unemployment everywhere. Bogar city’s distribution is 14%, Sukhabhoomi 9&, Sianjur 11%, Bandung 8.5%, Garud 8.9%, Tasikmalaya 7%, Siamis 5.6%, Kuningan 11%, Majalenga 5%, Sumedhong 8.8%, Indrayu 9.2%, and so on.

All of this is 10% if it is all in total  . So this is a huge distribution, combined with the age of new workers who have just graduated from school.  If there  is still a pandemic period, it is likely to continue to grow. One of the main reasons is the large number of businesses regulating their work.

No wonder so many nomads from these large numbers of unemployed people are being made to move out of the area. Solo is an important place for many nomads from West Java. The so-called most comfortable city is true. The cost of living is cheap in a convenient place. Who doesn’t feel like living at home.

What, then, is its total population density after a large number of foreign processes in the population of West Java Province? Wait for the next census. Everything will be clear about the diversity of this population movement. According to the facts, many residents moved to make their residences more comfortable.  

West Java Provincial Population Welfare Policy

For policies implemented to promote the welfare of West Java, of course, it is the adoption of a small Bandung. Many MSMEs can grow even more quickly in the Asian market competition. It is clear that many of these developments will be implemented to reduce the number of unemployed. The StarUp system will also be intensified so that many creative companies are full of ideas.

So it’s not just about absorbing a lot of hard work. But the policy also encourages the existence of critical thinkers.  The hope is that there will no longer be any questions about what the total population density of West Java Province is. With the StarUp MSME system, large companies such as Gojek, Grab and so on will emerge.

It’s only in order to get to the goal. More attention should be paid to schools in order to produce the seeds of intelligent thinkers.  If in fact the school is not active yet. Offer scholarship programs to at least talented students. There is hope that by providing scholarships or trainings, we can grow quickly.

For this reason, the regional spending budget is always considered.  By focusing on what is the total population density of The Province of West Java. It is hoped that each of these policies will be able to run the project after a year. This semacam program  is actually somewhat ineffective today. However, after a few years it will certainly be very useful.

Predicting population density growth

Continue the prediction of the growth of population density distribution. How much is the total population density of The Province of West Java in  the following years  ? According to current data and facts. Its growth will increase. Many holidays and wfh many people will have a deeper family intensity.

So, according to the fact that there will be the growth of millions of new residents in a few years. This is not only birth and death. Perhaps there will be a half-population movement. All of this is a natural, definite fact. So according to predictive science, of course, growth must be rapid.

Even so, the province will still be ready to deal with everything. Thinking about how welfare can be done so that people get a job. This is of course alwayscontemplated by Ridwan Kameel and his successors.  Other major cities will also continue to coordinate to create a stronger landscape of Indonesia.

How are you not interested in how many people are distributed in West Java? It’s still very crowdless, but it can grow quickly later. But thanks to RidhwanKami’s policy of dissolving.  No matter how much population density is in West Java province, it will still be safe for its residents.

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