Puskesmas play role in struggle against Covic-19 : Capcus

  The role of the West Java State Health Office  is in attacking Covid-19


West Java  state health office against coVID-19 epidemic not downgraded so  far,  West Java state   health  The Murray Office has made various attempts.The reason is that West Java itself is  one of the   places where the massive Corona virus itself is infected    For  just a week, the number of people suffering has increased.


Outbreaks  occur with largest number in  the Bakassi region,  based on  West Java Information  and Coordination Center  Nevertheless, the highest  recovery rate is  also  found  in Bekasi.   There are still  a lot of  residents in the city, and  there will be isolation for those who are positive.


You can do an isolated process at your hospital or your own home.  Meanwhile, in West  Java, there are  also many deaths from corvics.


The nature of the positive events of Kovic himself may also be arbitrary, depending on how to deal with it, so the  government and health in West Java.  Offices are also making a  variety of efforts to reduce the number of deaths from covic-19   sufferers, and the  role of health workers is still needed.


West Java health workers   vaccinated


To reduce the number of deaths    or to reduce transmission of this infectious disease, the relevant West Java State Health Office government also says   For example, this new one is vaccinating: vaccines are coming  out  in Indonesia  , but not all for recipients.


The first  recipients of the vaccine are health workers and related parties.In West Java alone, about 80 percent of health workers are cenovaca Vaccinated against COVID-19 with the  vaccine. vaccines  obtained from the government itself are unable to reach all health workers in    West Java  Yes, it is.


Because everyone will get two pills, so the government of West Java will try to accept it immediately, so the government of West Java will try to accept it immediately.  Next, even the State  Health Office  of  Java will  vaccinate its residents,  some of which  hamper the vaccination process but can be overcome immediately.


Residents of West Java  themselves have to wait for the number of vaccines themselves because the population themselves lives in the region is substantial.  Indonesia has the largest number of vaccines, so the administration of the vaccine can also be taken  step by step, but despite this, all breast milk vaccines will be available.


Additionally, other issues coming out of this vaccine administration are  due to the effects and consequences  of the  injected type.  Most  people  have refused   the  vaccine because  there  is no MUI  and BPOM  stamp.  However, from the two organizations   The issuance of legalization  ultimately made West Java  residents  willing to be injected.


Puskesmas play role in struggle against Covic-19


In combating   this corona  virus  case,  the West Java State Office of Health and its government are also  combined  and Champion Health A programme, named A  Murray Center, was launched  at the launch   of a program to tackle the coronavirus itself   The government distributed many health workers.


The Health Department, formerly relied on to tackle corvic diseases, was also in a state of disrepair, but now  burys carers to care for corvic sufferers  An  update is being made that is a mixture of health workers from the Department  of  Health  , so eventually to care for other diseases.    Jehovah’s Witnesses would be pleased to help you.


Meanwhile, it must be particularly special and intense for people suffering from coronavirus to deal with it themselves, so in the past, health workers in Peskimas are the best So to create the latest program, a health center combined to specifically address Corvis diseases, the program  was created by the government of West Java.


The government hopes that with new health workers,  its performance can be maximized.The  role of   the West Java State   Health Office  to make this program a success is  also very important.  Meanwhile the   government of West Java itself   New medical personnel are required to be placed on pushskimas.


This technique itself is one of the innovations undertaken by the government of West Java to  overcome this Corona virus epidemic. By optimising the role of animals to cope,  we also have more human resources to successfully accomplish this arrangement.


Make the most of the champions with the combined Puskesmas


Regarding combined falsehoods and champions or errors, it is the health of the  state government and West Java  to combat the COVID-19 epidemic This is  a new method from the offices of Murray , which is carried  out by improving the role of  the  falsehood itself , and it has been implemented in some parts of West Java.


Through this Tonper program , the governmentcollaborates between jobs to participate in various employment sectors. The application of treatment and treatment is used to improve, as well as to maximize the use of 3M designated by the government.


It was also enforced in order to maximize the outbreak of the Corona virus. In the past  , health workers who have been required to care for Corvis themselves are also working on other things outside the outbreak of the virus .


Meanwhile, in accordance with the provisions of the  West Java State Health Office, the  primary duty of medical officials to care for Covis is a particular overcome corona problem  They are asked to find out about those who have actually been affected by the virus and report to the relevant health center and reach the relevant health center.


The team itself will also be tasked with finding close contacts, because there have not been many incidents that have been successfully tracked in the past. To optimize the performance of the program  made by the government of West Java ,  will be distributed throughout western Java .


Mobile Posendu for red zone


In the midst of this coronavirus epidemic, the government and the West Java State Health Office  continue  to adhere vitally to the health of their people. Noted protocols must still be implemented, but these basic health activities are being carried out around, especially for areas in the Red Zone.


Health workers with the relevant parties will conduct mobile Porciandou to reduce incidences of mortality due to other  substances.This  health plan itself people The implementation itself will be carried out in accordance with the currentagreement.


Working methods are adjusted based on requirements, and in general Posiandu itself will be done by gathering in one place, but by going around this round, the locals are only at home. Living, they will later be visited directly by West Java regional medical officials  , so they can actually be implemented in accordance with what needs to be implemented.


The current COVID-19 epidemic, which is still overcrowded, has caused many problems, but now    protocols are in a place that reduces the spread.” Death casesare also dwindling and recovered cases are increasing  with the help of government regulations and  the organization that complies with West Java’s office of  health.

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