Western Java vegetables Recipe of pickled beans Bereum : Flixabay

Western Java vegetable recipes are guaranteed to be tasty and  tasty

For those who want to learn recipes with Western Javanese vegetables , of course, do not worry anymore because now culinary development is getting faster. West Java province has become an area in Indonesia so far known for its various culinary tours. Of course, there are characteristics when you have just tried it.

The first time you know the taste of a variety  of Western Javanese vegetables, almost everyone must have a sour taste.   And its production that dominates  every typical vegetable  is usually fish, and thus makes it incomparably tasty. If you are a fan of culinary tourism, this will help you add insight.

Don’t worry when you just want to start learning many typical vegetable recipes from West Javanese, as it turns out that it can be easily done. But it’s important to understand that each new study tries to understand more. This is so that you can try your hand at home without having to help others.

Not only does it have an appetite when looking at the outward appearance, but most west Java foods taste good. You may still have a lot of vegetables coming from the West Java area, although it is far from where you live. Instead of being confused about going to a specific place, it’s better to start studying each recipe one by one.

The more we are interested in which are the most famous vegetables, we will give a complete recipe for how to cook properly. Without having to wait any longer, here’s a complete explanation of the cooking ingredients and the steps to make them. Just follow the discussion to the end so it can be easily understood.

Western Java vegetables Recipe of pickled beans Bereum

If you live near the West Java region, you may still understand, but it’s different if you have a house outside of West Java. Pickled vegetables bereum beans are this time an introductory discussion that can be easily learned. With the main ingredient of beans, of course, these ingredients can be found without difficulty.

The first step here is that you need to prepare a variety of ingredients to support the production of acidic types of vegetables. Various ingredients are in the form of 350 grams of fresh red beans. Do not choose the wrong type of beans, because they will be different compared to others, and it has a special taste.

Western Java vegetables re sep ingredients are acidic, then you need about a liter of meat broth. Then prepare  and tomato fruit cut into eight slices, two leaves of the bay, until a little galangal.   Mix two tablespoons  of tamarind with one tablespoon of salt using water and squeezed.

The following are fine ingredients that must now be prepared from four red peppers  of considerable sizein mbah 8 red bottoms  and garlic halves.   Also prepare 1 tsp of shrimp paste, three tablespoons  of brown sugar and finally one tablespoon of salt.   Langkah  in practice in the next kitchen.

The cooking method is quite easy, namely put the beans in the water to boil enough, and then drain them. Heat it and mixit with all the ingredients followed by fine spices until mixed. Just reduce the heat to cook the beans until tender,  and the soup remains one-third, sprinkle with salt and then the food is ready to serve.

Karedok Culinary Most hits

In addition, there is a typical  recipe of Western Javanese vegetables that has a hit name,  more precisely karedok, of course, which almost some people already know. Bearing in mind that Karedok is one of  the culinary arts that is widespread  in many places, not only in West Java. Then we completed the recipe  .

First, prepare the main ingredients in the form of chopped vegetables ranging from cucumbers, eggplants, super togas, lettuce, basil, cabbage, string beans to tomatoes.   All types of vegetables will later be used as an additive to making.   But before that, you should also prepare the peanut season according to the method in the explanation below.

Use 250 grams of nuts after entering the oven or pan, then prepare 300 ml of lukewarm water. Five  garlic, eight curly peppers, and two cayenne peppers need to fry a little. Then mashed from 60 grams of Javanese sugar, plus two   tsp of salt, two shrimp pastes, 3 cm kencur.

After preparing the ingredients in the recipe of Western Javanese vegetables , then there are 4 steps to cooking. First, refine all the ingredients so that the peanut season is a hand-tickled. Then just mix the peanut season with the vegetables, then stir, and serve using crackers.

Making Oncom Rice is very easy

We are not satisfied with the above  two recipes, we will also give you stages in making  onc rice. Who doesn’t know the existence of this dish? Almost everyone understands it too. Because oncom is one of the most delicious Western Java vegetables and makes the body healthy.

The preparation of materials involves starting with three oncom boxes that are torn with a fork or knife. Then use curly cayenne  pepper and cayenne pepper  with only 5 seeds each.   The presence of onions is an obligation, and red is 6, and white is only 2.

Using two cm, half a tsp grilled shrimp paste, one can directly  try a typical  vegetable recipe from West Javanese. From the beginning, you need to bake oncom first. Make sure all the cooking spices are mixed except, bake until they are dry and the marinade is tender.

After successful drying until watery, purify the other spices to mix in oncom. Mix well using warm rice, so that the spices penetrate when eaten. After mixing until evenly distributed then you can serve it directly guaranteed to get the best taste when eaten.

Seblak Cheker enjoyed a million people

It hasn’t been done here yet, who wants to know the recipe for a seblak checker? As the most popular food, you should understand its presence. The material for making seblak is quite easy, that is, just use one and a half  handful of crackers, meatballs to taste, check as needed. The crackerswill be soaked for two hours.

For a delicate season, a typical recipe of Western Javanese vegetables in making seblaka requires  two types of onions of three seeds each.   There’s another nut, as big as a finger, thatn plus chili peppers that follow wishes.   Do not forget that salt,  broth, sugar and pepper also make it  even tastier.

Do not forget a piece of mustard greens, one stem of leek, and prepare ingredients in the form of 2 eggs. The method of making is the first stage of frying, primarily all the delicious   spices needed for  cooking until cooked. After that, briefly heat some ingredients in the form  of meatballs, feet, crackers, with the addition of these four ingredients.

Pour broth water from  the meat stew  to your taste to  make the taste stronger, then wait for it to boil.   Before completing the process,  put the leaves directly from onions and mustard greens and cook the chopped cayenne pepper until cooked. At the time of the service process, simply put it in a bowl.

Various spices and how to cook vegetables above can be easily understood without any difficulty. From now on, you can apply all available recipes to cook from home. Knowing many additional Western Javanese vegetable recipes certainly enriches your skills while you’re in the kitchen.

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